Sunday, November 8, 2009

Owen is Crawling!

We are still playing the waiting game for the Academy, not quite sure which one Chris will be in. On the upside, Owen has officially started crawling! He's been army crawling for the past month or so and this last week he started to get up on all fours and crawl a few steps but now he is crawling all over! It's so fun to see them grow but it's so sad to know that they aren't so little anymore. He's saying tons of vowels and syllables, always smiling to anyone who will pay attention to him and loves it when we let him walk around, with our help of course :)

He shows such a great interest in animals. With Sadie our dog, every time he see's her or hears her bark he just starts laughing and squeals with excitement. Also whenever I go to ride my horse, he likes to grab her face "talk to her".

There isn't anything new with Chris or I, we are just enjoying being parents and looking forward to Thanksgiving :)